Your child may have Acute Kidney injury: Causes and things to do

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In our daily life we may suddenly fall into various kind of difficulties or illness, and we cannot do our daily work. Also, different kinds of disease can affect our body in the same way.

Thus, kidney is an important organ in our body and if it suddenly becomes ill and cannot function properly, then in medical term we call it acute kidney injury. It was called acute renal failure earlier. 

Among all the organs, kidney is one of the most important organs in our body. Everything we eat is food or medicine and then most of the byproducts are excreted in the urine. That's why it is a better idea to stay away from those facts that can damage our kidneys. If our kidney is damaged, its function can gradually decline.

Causes of Acute Kidney Injury:

The causes are divided into three part.

1. Prerenal

2. Renal 

3. Post Renal

Diarrhea, bleeding, shock, nephrotic syndrome, liver and heart failure are important among the prerenal causes.

Renal causes include Renal Vessel Obstruction, AGN Vasculitis, Acute Tubular Necrosis etc.

Post-renal causes include Posterior Urethral Valve, PUJ Obstruction, UVJ Obstruction, Tumor Stone, Neurogenic Bladder etc.

Now, we will discuss something that every ordinary people know.


In case of diarrhea and vomiting, a lot of water and salt is excreted from the body. Kidney Injury is the result of not getting enough water to make urine.

Bleeding: Acute kidney injury is similar to excessive bleeding.

Nephrotoxic Agent: means taking substances harmful to the kidneys. We need to know these substances or medicines. For example: painkiller diclofenac we take all the time. It is a nephrotoxic drug. Even if we take more than a certain dose of the drugs we take or inject, it can cause kidney injury.

One of the most difficult aspects of pediatric treatment is memorizing doses. For this reason, there are many doctors who could not do it for fear of memorizing the dose rather than being a pediatrician. Doctors who are aware of this usually refer them to a pediatrician. But in our country, there are pediatricians, quacks and village doctors, who are treating 100-year-olds every day, from one-day-olds to children, without ever studying medicine. As a result of that treatment, no one cares about how many people are slowly dying. There is no accountability.

I can't help but give an example of wrong medicine. A specialist doctor prescribes Maprocin, a ciprofloxacin drug, to treat diarrhea in a child, and the shopkeeper changes it to Naprosyn, a potent painkiller of the Naproxen group. The result is what happens. This is the child's diarrhea, the wrong painkillers on him. The baby's urine was constantly bleeding from day one.
Diclofen Suppository is often given to reduce fever. When there is a risk of kidney attack during fever, using Diclofen on it increases the risk many times over.

Acute kidney injuries can also be caused by pesticides, food poisoning, malaria, snake bites, bee stings, and septicemia.


⬅ If suddenly the amount of urine is less than 0.5 ml / kg / hour for 12 hours i.e. if a child weighing 10 kg urinates less than 60 ml in 12 hours. Acute kidney injury can occur even if there is a lot of urination.

⬅ Swelling of the body.

⬅ High or low blood pressure.

⬅ Pale.

⬅ Shortness of breath.

⬅ Convulsions.

⬅ Extremely high or very low body temperature.

⬅ Nausea.

Things to do:

Stay away from the causes of acute kidney injury in the first place;
🔺 In case of diarrhea or vomiting, give liquid drink and saline.
🔺 In case of fever, give more liquid food,
🔺 Contact a good hospital quickly if there is a lot of bleeding
Abstain from foods that are harmful to the kidneys,
🔺 Give medicines to children according to their age and weight,
🔺 Adhere to the medical prescription of the specialist, i.e. do not change the medicine from the pharmacy / quack,
🔺 See a pediatric kidney specialist immediately after urinary incontinence after bloody diarrhea.

🔺 Small clinics push a lot of saline into the veins to prevent heart failure. That is why we should give intravenous saline under the special supervision of a doctor.
 If you are bitten by bees, snakes or poisonous insects, seek immediate medical treatment.


• What is the cause of kidney injury, it is necessary to find out and treat the disease.

🔺 In case of kidney injury, saline is given intravenously, the patient's condition is checked by checking the patient's blood from time to time.

🔺 Control blood pressure, do not apply drugs that are harmful to the kidneys at the same time or adjust the dose if you want to.

🔺 Dialysis if necessary, be it peritoneal dialysis or hemodialysis.


Finally, let us all become aware. We take care of our two kidneys. This is because once a kidney injury is cured initially, it can gradually become crippled later. We, the pediatricians, will prescribe the medicine thinking about the effect of the dose on the kidneys while prescribing the medicine.

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