Corona's new push in the winter, what the experts say

Corona's new push in the winter

Till now, the most unknown, terrible and enemy of human civilization in recent times is Corona which is known as Covid-19! The opportunity to discuss anew is therefore very limited! Although the first and terrible shock of Corona has not yet been completely overcome, despite the constant efforts of doctors and scientists, Corona's upcoming Second Wave is being discussed anew.  Which will be even more devastating in the coming winter in those countries of the world, places that are still very normal. 

At the same time, a third phase trial of the vaccine is underway in Oxford, UK, and all the developed and underdeveloped countries of the world are continuing their efforts. What will be the last defense? What will be written, but the future history of human civilization?

What experts say about the new push of Corona in the coming winter:

Winter is coming. Danger is also coming. And winter is coming in three months. Outbreaks appear to be exacerbated during this time in most parts of the world. Due to this, there is a fear that coronavirus infection will increase during the change of seasons. Scientists fear that this may be due to the fact that in winter, humidity, heat of the sun, lack of vitamin D and reduced immunity, as well as symptoms of other viruses and flu-like respiratory diseases, people's lives may become more susceptible to coronavirus!

According to an analytical report by the BBC, the infection was as widespread in the first phase as it could be in the second phase. But it's not just the nature of the corona, the other winter pathogens, human behavior, the success or failure of government policy  it all depends on whether the second wave of corona infection actually comes. However, from their own understanding of other viruses, scientists fear, it is likely to happen. So in all the countries where Corona has not been harassed, they also have no way to be safe.

World-renowned virologist Klaus Storr warns that Kovid-19 is set to return stronger in the winter. All the doctors and researchers knew about the possibility of the virus changing its character and coming back. Concerns about the Covid-19 are much the same in the Close Store.

In an interview with the international media, Claus said that the novel coronavirus is just like SARS. The 2003 SARS virus genetically modified the corona. Such a possibility cannot be ruled out. Covid's 'second wave' is expected in the face of winter. The World Health Organization (WHO) has previously warned of a possible second corona outbreak in the winter.

However, as Clause explains, it is not just a possibility or a threat, it is a structural feature of the virus. There is no room for doubt or conflict.

Virologist Klaus's advice is that by studying some characteristics of COVID-19, it is understood that it infects the lungs in a very short time. Rapidly changing gene structure. As a result, new viral strains are becoming more contagious. And their incubation period is also increasing!

The virologist, also known as Sars Man, has voiced another concern. According to him, COVID virus will attack all over the world in winter. Covid not damaged, the impact will be more in the country!

According to Claus Store, Kovid-19 will start pushing again in small areas. Even the first vaccine will not completely eradicate this virus. Because the human body still needs a lot of time to create 'hard immunity'!

It is feared that the second round of coronavirus (Cavid-19) has already affected many countries in the world, including Australia, Iran and South Korea.

How will Corona spread again?

There are four types of coronavirus that cause symptoms of the common cold. Each spreads easily during the winter. Influenza, rhinovirus, and another virus called RSV  all behave similarly.

However, the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Rachel Lowe says, "These may be seasonal, because there are other viruses that are more likely to be infected in the winter. But the weather or human behavior, the effect of which is still very limited here. All viruses can survive relatively well. "

Experts in the UK say temperatures of up to 4 degrees Celsius have been found to be particularly favorable for coronaviruses. The ultraviolet rays of sunlight neutralize the virus. But the amount of ultraviolet rays is less during winter. In colder climates, people spend more time indoors when it is cold. Doors and windows are closed. Ventilation is low and this environment is conducive to the spread of coronavirus.

A preliminary report from Britain's Academy of Medical Sciences says more than 2.5 million people could die if conditions worsen during the winter. Wendy Berkeley, a professor at Imperial College London, says much is still unknown, but there is good reason for people to be concerned about the second wave of the corona, because Berkeley thinks a second wave is possible. The reason, he says, is that only 5 percent of the world's population has been infected with the coronavirus so far, and 95 percent have no ability to resist the virus. Hard immunity has not yet been achieved among the population.

Although the corona has caused a lot of changes in human behavior. People are washing their hands frequently, wearing face masks, maintaining social distance, working from home. So it may be that the regular flu virus may not spread much in the coming winter. It is winter in Australia. This is exactly what is being seen there. Winter flu is almost non-existent during coronavirus. Similar trends have been observed in Southern Hemisphere countries such as Chile and South Africa.

Even then Dr. Low says he needs to be prepared for a second wave of coronavirus this coming winter, not suffer from complacency.

Hopefully, several surveys have shown that one type of virus infection can push another virus away.

Scientists believe that the swine flu virus was delayed in 2009 due to a rhinovirus infection in Europe. University of Glasgow Virus Research Center. Pablo Marcia says that the immune response of a virus to a human body can block some other viruses for at least some time.

What happens to coronavirus or SARS-COV-2?

Dr. "Our data show that the spread of influenza in mixed infections is very rare," says Marcia. So I don't think we're going to see that SARS-Cove-2 and influenza are spreading at the same time. 'There are very few people who have been infected with both viruses at the same time. But when it did, the symptoms were much more severe. However, Dr. In the case of some other coronaviruses, however, they have been shown to cause infections at the same time as RSV, adenovirus, and some para-influenza, Marcia says. I am concerned about the present and the future.

According to experts, the spread of the disease will depend on the use of masks in public, maintaining physical distance, increasing hand washing habits and strict application of hygiene measures such as examination and isolation.

Experts have repeatedly warned that the epidemic is unlikely to end until an effective vaccine for the coronavirus is available, and that the virus could take a deadly turn next winter.

What does the international research paper say?

Some recent studies conducted in different countries of the world, including the United Kingdom, India and Australia, claim that the effects of the virus may increase in winter by reducing the chances of returning to normal life. A team of researchers from IIT-Bhubaneswar and AIIMS, two Indian universities, recently warned policymakers in the country of an increase in Covid-19 infections during the rainy and winter seasons.

Although Peer has not yet reviewed, based on three studies, they say that coronavirus infections in India may increase environmentally, including seasonal rainfall, colder climates and the onset of winter. Researchers at the country's Benares Hindu University and Central University of Rajasthan also found that coronavirus transmission may increase during the winter.

A study by the UK's Academy of Medical Sciences estimates that the number of hospital deaths related to Covid-19 could rise to more than 119,900 between September and June 2021.

A study by the University of Sydney in Australia found that a 1 per cent drop in humidity could increase the number of Covid-19 infections by 6 per cent. They further say that only a decrease in humidity is associated with an increase in Covid-19 infection. It has nothing to do with temperature.

A study by the University of Sydney in Australia found that a 1 per cent drop in humidity could increase the number of Covid-19 infections by 6 per cent. They further say that only a decrease in humidity is associated with an increase in Covid-19 infection. It has nothing to do with temperature.

Researchers at the University of Maryland School of Medicine say the risk of community transmission is higher in Britain, Central Asia, the Caucasus, Eastern and Central Europe, the North and Midwestern United States, and British Columbia, Canada.

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