How pregnant mothers should take care of themselves during pregnancy

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Pregnancy and childbirth are an important part of a woman's life. It is through this that human civilization survives and moves forward. Therefore, special care is required at this time for safe pregnancy and healthy normal birth. Today we will discuss how a pregnant mother can take care of herself at home.

Food During Pregnancy:

 The mother needs extra food than usual to ensure the necessary nutrition for the mother and child. So a pregnant mother needs a balanced diet at this time. Adequate amount of fish, meat, pulses, eggs and milk are required. Also eat plenty of seasonal fruits and vegetables. Drink plenty of pure water. It is better not to eat extra oily and spicy food at this time.

Exercise During Pregnancy:

Exercises cannot be done after putting pressure on the abdomen and there is a risk of accidents. Normal exercise can also be done.
Sleep and rest Sleep or rest for 8 to 10 hours every night and 2 to 3 hours a day. At this time it is better to lie on the left side.

Health check-ups and medication:

Health check-ups should be done at least four times during pregnancy by going to the health center or hospital. At this time tetanus vaccine should be taken as needed. There are many medications that are harmful to the mother and fetus during pregnancy. Therefore, no medicine can be taken without the advice of a doctor.

Work During pregnancy:

You will be able to do small and normal activities of the family. However, heavy work must be avoided. During the first and last three months of pregnancy, do light walking without extra work. You can't walk in slippery places. Special care must be taken when using stairs.

Travelling During Pregnancy:

Travel Long trips to the first and last three months of pregnancy should be avoided. Also avoid high or low or broken roads or vehicles that are prone to tremors.

Physical intercourse:

Physical intercourse can be done during pregnancy with caution if there are no physical problems, it is safe. You need to know the rules and precautions of physical intercourse during pregnancy. If there is any problem, you should consult a doctor. Temporary break may be given as per the doctor's advice.

Mental Health:

Mental health Excessive emotions, stress, anxiety and fear are harmful to the health of the pregnant mother. Always think well. It is very useful to do various acts of worship including recitation of the Qur'an to stay mentally stress free and healthy
Wearable Wear comfortable, easy-to-wear and loose-fitting clothing. Wear the right size and soft shoes and of course avoid heel shoes.

Special care:

During pregnancy, you should take a good bath with soap every day. Must be clean and tidy. Hand and toenails should be cut short. At this time the mother's teeth become quite soft So you have to take special care of your teeth and gums During pregnancy, the body's immune system is lower than normal. Therefore, patients with infectious diseases such as influenza, measles, chicken pox and jaundice should be kept away.

After all remember one thing the time during pregnancy is very sensitive. Awareness should be taken carefully for both mother and child health. Any kind of issue shouldn't be avoided. 

Comment below about your opinion. Have a healthy life.

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