What Can Women Not Eat During The Menstrual holiday? 6 Types Of Food Should Not Be Eaten

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Women's living habits, diet, etc. will affect the quality of menstruation. What can women not eat during holidays?

Whether menstruation is normal or not is related to women's health and even women's fertility. Therefore, menstrual care is very important for women, especially young women. Don't think that menstruation will come naturally, and you don't need to pay special attention to anything.
  With age, many women will have various menstrual abnormalities. This is related to the daily lack of care, especially the living habits and diet will affect the quality of menstruation. So what can women not eat during vacation?
  Women who have been in the office for a long time like to drink a variety of tea or coffee drinks, and some women like to drink a little wine from time to time. These drinks are actually not suitable for drinking during menstrual cramps.
  Food not suitable for women to eat during menstrual holidays 
1. Tea
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 Tea contains a lot of tannic acid. It is easy to combine with iron ions in the intestine to produce precipitation, which will affect the absorption of iron by the intestinal mucosa, especially during menstruation. A large amount of menstrual blood will be excreted by itself, and the demand for iron will be reduced. Increased, so tea will affect hematopoietic function, which is very harmful to menstrual health.
  Foods that women shouldn't eat during periods
 2. Coffee
menstrual health and hygiene, menstrual health management, menstrual health education, menstrual health of india, menstrual health and hygiene in hindi, menstrual health and hygiene ppt, menstrual health definition, menstrual health meaning, apple health menstrual cycle, menstrual cup health risks, menstrual cycle heena health, health education on menstrual hygiene, yoga for menstrual health, menstrual health hygiene, health phone menstrual hygiene, modi on menstrual health, menstrual hygiene health talk, healthy menstrual cycle, healthy food for menstrual cycle, yoga for healthy menstrual cycle, healthy menstrual cycle tips, healthy menstrual cycle subliminal

  Not to mention coffee. It contains a lot of caffeine. Drinking too much can easily make women’s breasts feel swelling and painful, and it can also make women who are menstrual periods more irritable and prone to anxiety.
  Food not suitable for women to eat during menstrual holidays

3. Alcohol
menstrual health and hygiene, menstrual health management, menstrual health education, menstrual health of india, menstrual health and hygiene in hindi, menstrual health and hygiene ppt, menstrual health definition, menstrual health meaning, apple health menstrual cycle, menstrual cup health risks, menstrual cycle heena health, health education on menstrual hygiene, yoga for menstrual health, menstrual health hygiene, health phone menstrual hygiene, modi on menstrual health, menstrual hygiene health talk, healthy menstrual cycle, healthy food for menstrual cycle, yoga for healthy menstrual cycle, healthy menstrual cycle tips, healthy menstrual cycle subliminal

Alcohol is not recommended even if you are not in your menstrual period. 

  Food not suitable for women to eat during periods 

4. Cold drinks
menstrual health and hygiene, menstrual health management, menstrual health education, menstrual health of india, menstrual health and hygiene in hindi, menstrual health and hygiene ppt, menstrual health definition, menstrual health meaning, apple health menstrual cycle, menstrual cup health risks, menstrual cycle heena health, health education on menstrual hygiene, yoga for menstrual health, menstrual health hygiene, health phone menstrual hygiene, modi on menstrual health, menstrual hygiene health talk, healthy menstrual cycle, healthy food for menstrual cycle, yoga for healthy menstrual cycle, healthy menstrual cycle tips, healthy menstrual cycle subliminal

  Drinks like various cold drinks and soda are taboos during menstrual cramps. Do not drink them even in the premenstrual cramps. In fact, any kind of food and drink, including cold and cold things, is not conducive to women's menstrual health. Although there will be no problems at that time, problems will occur over time, and they will be triggered!
  Food not suitable for women to eat during periods
 5. Crab
menstrual health and hygiene, menstrual health management, menstrual health education, menstrual health of india, menstrual health and hygiene in hindi, menstrual health and hygiene ppt, menstrual health definition, menstrual health meaning, apple health menstrual cycle, menstrual cup health risks, menstrual cycle heena health, health education on menstrual hygiene, yoga for menstrual health, menstrual health hygiene, health phone menstrual hygiene, modi on menstrual health, menstrual hygiene health talk, healthy menstrual cycle, healthy food for menstrual cycle, yoga for healthy menstrual cycle, healthy menstrual cycle tips, healthy menstrual cycle subliminal

Crabs are cool in seafood. If women have symptoms of dysmenorrhea during each menstrual period, it is best not to eat crabs during menstruation, otherwise it will easily increase dysmenorrhea or increase menstrual flow.
  Foods not suitable for women to eat during periods
 6. Cool fruits
menstrual health and hygiene, menstrual health management, menstrual health education, menstrual health of india, menstrual health and hygiene in hindi, menstrual health and hygiene ppt, menstrual health definition, menstrual health meaning, apple health menstrual cycle, menstrual cup health risks, menstrual cycle heena health, health education on menstrual hygiene, yoga for menstrual health, menstrual health hygiene, health phone menstrual hygiene, modi on menstrual health, menstrual hygiene health talk, healthy menstrual cycle, healthy food for menstrual cycle, yoga for healthy menstrual cycle, healthy menstrual cycle tips, healthy menstrual cycle subliminal

  Fruits also have cold fruits, such as pears, watermelons, and persimmons are taboo foods before and after menstruation. They are all harmful to women's gynecological health because of coldness.
  Regarding the question of what can’t be eaten during the holiday, there are actually quite a few taboo foods, but they mainly refer to raw and cold foods. In addition, keeping warm during menstruation is also very important for women. Taking good care of them can prevent any discomfort from appearing.

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